Minutes: February 26, 2019

Ben Bogner tells club members about “Systematic Biases in the Rapid Sky Localization of Gravitational Waves.” Photo courtesy of Mark Bogner.

President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the meeting to order at 1835. Minutes of the December 2018 meeting were approved. Motion by Joe Pajor; second by Gary Essells.

Harold asked that we give Joe Pajor a hand for doing a good job as vice president even without the designation. Harold asked that all members please help with finding programs. We need a program for the April meeting.

If you know hams who are eligible to join QCWA, please invite them to attend our next meeting.

Bryon Cannon, webmaster, thanked Dale Puckett for his articles for our chapter’s website. If you have something of interest for the website, please e-mail it to QCWA79@gmail.com

There was a clarification that just names and call signs of members will be in the public part of the website. Additional information might be available in a members-only section.

Please respond to meeting notices. You might get one from our president, and one from our secretary. We like to let the restaurant know ahead of the meeting how many people to set up for.

Guest speaker Ben Bogner gave a very interesting program, “Systematic Biases in the Rapid Sky Localization of Gravitational Waves.” He explained what gravitational waves are, how they are detected, and why astronomers care about them.

Meeting adjourned at 1940.

Minutes: August 28, 2018

President Harold Childress called the meeting to order at 1900. Twelve members and three guests were in attendance.

Minutes and financial reports were approved as e-mailed. Motion by Joe Pajor; second by Henry Monton.

Harold said we have two more meetings this year, and asked members to start thinking about chapter officers for next year. We really need to elect a vice president, who is also the program chairman.

Please contact Bryon Cannon, Chapter 79 webmaster, if you have content to post on the chapter’s website. The URL of the web site is QCWA79.com. The secretary was asked to add the website URL to the e-mails of the meeting notice and minutes.

The business meeting was concluded at 1905.

President Childress introduced Coy Terry, WØZWS, who presented a very interesting program about delta loop antennas for 40 meters and how he phases two loops to add some directivity, which helps with the transmit and receive signal strength.

Coy is almost completely blind due to an eye disease he got in 2006, possibly related to his stay in the New Orleans Superdome after Hurricane Katrina. Although it is a condition that moves slowly, it will most likely result in total blindness.

Coy holds an Amateur Extra class operator license. He enjoys operating CW and building and putting up antennas. He has taught himself to solder but says he endured some burned fingers in the process. His wife, Pamela, helps him by reading meters and a few other things, but Coy says the words “can’t do it” aren’t allowed at his house.