Minutes: December 18, 2018

The meeting started at 19:00 with Troy and Joy Pulver performing familiar Christmas music for our program. Troy played the guitar and harmonica, and Joy played the hammered dulcimer. We enjoyed their music, and they enjoyed playing it for us. They both play in The 37 Mile Band that performed for our December 2017 meeting program.

Chapter President Harold Childress called the business meeting to order at 20:00.

Minutes of the October meeting were approved. Motion by Don Sharp; second by Gary Essells.

Treasurer’s report was approved. Motion by Don Sharp; second by Bryon Cannon.

Harold read an announcement from Sharon Hohlfeld, NØIXB, wife of David Hohlfeld, WØKFS. David is still doing pretty good. He walks to the table three times a day. As of December 10 he had been on hospice for 5 months. He has home health care, too.

Harold asked for someone to serve as vice president for 2019.

Nominations for officers for 2019 were:

President: Harold Childress

Vice President: none

Secretary-Treasurer: Larry Cannon

Joe Pajor moved to accept the officer nominees. Second by Don Sharp. Motion passed.

Joe Pajor asked if the roster of Chapter 79 members could be listed on the club web site, QCWA79.com with name, call sign, and other information such as address, telephone number, e-mail address, year joined QCWA. After discussion, Harold asked Larry to poll members as to what information they are okay with being posted.

Joe Pajor recognized Harold Childress for his years of service as Chapter 79 president and presented him with a Spear’s Restaurant gift card.

Dale and Esther Puckett provided a pretty snow globe for the prize for a drawing. It was won by Charlie Harris, K2CEH.

Attendance: 10 members; 7 guests.

Meeting adjourned at 2015.

The following images, taken at the Christmas meeting, are courtesy of Dale L. Puckett, KØHYD.

Joe Pajor, KBØKFH, presents a certificate of appreciation to QCWA Chapter 79 President Harold Childress, KBØLFH, at the chapter’s Christmas meeting Tuesday, December 18, at Spears’.
Charlie Harris, K2CEH, and his wife, Donna, open the QCWA Christmas Door Prize at the Chapter 79 December meeting. The door prize was donated by Esther Puckett, XYL of Dale, KØHYD, who decided it would be fun to have a door prize at the club’s Christmas meeting.
Donna Harris (left), wife of Charlie Harris, K2CEH, takes a closer look at Joy Pulver’s hammered dulcimer. Joy and her husband, Troy, entertained the group at the chapter’s Christmas gathering.

Preview: December 18, 2018

We will have a musical program for our last meeting of the year. Troy and Joy Pulver will perform Christmas music on acoustic instruments. They played for us last December with The 37 Mile Band. Troy plays guitar and banjo, and Joy plays the hammered dulcimer. As always, please bring your spouse or another friend.

Also, please RSVP to Secretary-Treasurer Larry Cannon as soon as you can so we can let Spear’s Restaurant folks know how many tables to set up. Tell him if you are coming alone, 1, and if you are bringing your spouse or a friend, that will be 2. If you see a former Chapter 79 member invite him or her to join us again, and ask them to RSVP, too.

We are still taking nominations for all offices.You may make nominations for each office, but please be sure that the person(s) you nominate will serve if elected. You may nominate yourself (i.e., volunteer) for an office. We really need someone to be the vice president as that office has been vacant this year. We appreciate your help so we can vote at the December meeting and get a good start for 2019.