President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the meeting to order at 1835.
Minutes of the April meeting and financial report were approved.
Old business: Discussion about what information to include in a secure members-only section of the chapter website. There was a consensus for contact information to include name, call sign, telephone number and e-mail address. Joe Pajor moved that this information be added to the our local chapter’s website. Second by Dale Puckett. Motion passed.
New business: Our newest member, Joseph Kelber, ACØMO, was introduced and welcomed by Larry Cannon.
Joe Pajor introduced Jim Stafford, AJ5BS who presented an interesting program titled “The Road to Nuclear Power Operations.” He told about how the United States got into naval nuclear power and the types of ships that the Navy has used nuclear power on. He also discussed the requirements for a person to get into the nuclear program and what was required to become a nuclear plant operator.
Meeting adjourned at 1952.