Minutes: February 27, 2018

President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the meeting to order at 1907.

The minutes of the December 19, 2017, meeting and treasurer’s report were approved as printed and e-mailed.

New business: Discussion about sending a memorial in memory of Sharon Minor, KDØXW, and about raising the amount of memorial contributions our chapter sends to the QCWA Scholarship Fund. We have been sending $20.00 for many years. Bryon Cannon moved that we increase the amount to $30.00. There was a consensus to send a memorial and to raise the amount to $30.00. Motion passed. In memory of Sharon, XYL of John Minor, WDØEDK, we will send $30.00 to QCWA Scholarship Fund.

President Childress asked us to think about a way we could estimate how many people would be at our dinner meetings, so as a courtesy, we could let Spear’s know a week ahead of the meeting how many to set up for.

Old business: President Childress asked for a list of Chapter 79 members and a list of former members.

Business meeting adjourned at 1918.

Program: Shaun Halstead, KØPER, presented an interesting program about the history of amateur radio licensing. He told about new changes to radio application forms that the FCC announced August 7, 2017, that includes adding a felony question, effective September 7, 2017.

Our next meeting will be April 24, 2018.

Preview: February 27, 2018, meeting

Our trusty president, Harold Childress, WBØLFH, has wrangled another interesting program for our first meeting of 2018. Shaun Halstead, KØPER, will be presenting our program. Here is his ham radio autobiography.

I was first licensed in April 1993, as NØWHG. I passed my Novice written element at a hamfest in late 1992, and then the Tech written element at a hamfest in April ’93. I pursued my license initially as part of the Boy Scouts Radio merit badge, but also out of a genuine interest in electronics and radio. I upgraded to General in April 2013 (and took my current call, KØPER), then to Extra in December 2014.

In mid-2014, I was approached by Frank Blake, AA4FB (previously ADØNA) about helping stand up a Laurel VE team, under the auspices of the Wichita Amateur Radio Club. I agreed to help, and today, I am the team leader of the WARC’s Laurel VE team. While I don’t have totals for the life of our team, I can say that in 2017, we had 91 applicants, 76 of whom earned new or upgraded tickets; 42 people earned their Tech, and 7 jumped the line and went straight to General.

I’ll be talking about licensing changes over the past 25 or so years, the felony question, and, time permitting, Laurel VEC.

As a side note, I tried joining QCWA, but their PayPal link is broken, and I couldn’t pay.

–Shaun Halstead, KØPER

Bring a friend, and if you see a former Chapter 79 member ask him or her to join us again. If you have an idea for a program for one of our meetings, let Harold know.

Minutes: December 19, 2017


Photo by Dale Puckett, KØHYD

The 37 Mile Band performed Christmas music for us as our program, before and while we ate. The 37 Mile Band is an old-time acoustic string band. The band members are, from right to left, Troy Pulver, banjo and guitar; Joy Pulver, hammered dulcimer; Teresa Bachman, mountain dulcimer; and Marc Bachman, electric string bass. Thanks to Lloyd McCombs, KØLM, for making the arrangements for the band.

President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the business meeting to order at 1915. The minutes and treasurer’s report were approved.

An election of officers was held. Officers for 2018 are: President, Harold Childress, WBØLFH; Vice President, Don Sharp, WBØQFR; Secretary-Treasurer, Larry Cannon, KØSFV.

Everyone introduced themselves.

President Childress asked that we try to think of ideas of how to recruit new members. He asked the secretary to make a list of members and past members.

The meeting was adjourned at 1930.

Preview: December 19, 2017, meeting

Our December meeting is a week early due to Christmas.

Our annual chapter election of officers for 2018 will be at this meeting.

We’ve been operating without a Vice President for the past year so it is imperative that we elect someone for this important office. Nominations for all offices will be accepted, and we welcome folks to nominate themselves. If you nominate someone else, that person must be willing to serve if elected. Please e-mail your nominations to Harold Childress, WBØLFH, wb0lfh@cox.net, by December 17, if you haven’t already done so.

Lloyd McCombs, KØLM, has lined up a very good musical program for this meeting.

Troy Pulver and his 37 Mile Band will entertain us with Christmas music and maybe some other songs.

The 37 Mile Band is an old-time acoustic string band. They play barn dances, coffee houses, farm and art markets, private parties, etc. They feature a variety of stringed acoustic instruments, and play folk and Celtic music, and at this time of year some Christmas music.

Bring a friend, and if you see a former Chapter 79 member ask him or her to join us again. If you have an idea for a program for one of our meetings, let Harold know.

Minutes: October 24, 2017

President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the meeting to order at 1910.

Program: Harold introduced John Lock, KFØM, who, in the 1990s, got involved in repeater maintenance, which led him into the development of the Kan-Okla system of linked repeaters. His very interesting program included history of the Kan-Okla linked repeater network. He also explained about different ways repeaters can be linked, and talked about the direction linked repeater systems are headed.

Business: Minutes of the August 29 meeting and the treasurer’s report were approved as printed and e-mailed. Attendance: 6 members and 3 guests.

Harold stated that we need to get really serious about next year’s officers. We need a vice president, who also is the program chairman.

Election of officers will be at the December 19 meeting.

Harold asked the secretary to send an e-mail to all current members, with the current chapter roster, and the names of some former members. He encouraged everyone to recruit new members and to try to get former members to rejoin QCWA and our chapter.

The chapter will pay for the meal of a serious guest prospective member candidate.

Harold said we need a program for the December meeting. Lloyd McCombs offered to check with a musical group that he knows.

The meeting was adjourned at 2028.

Submitted by Larry Cannon, KØSFV, Secretary.

Preview: October 24, 2017, meeting

Our October meeting is a week early due to Halloween falling on the last Tuesday of the month. Our president, Harold, WBØLFH, has lined-up another interesting program for this meeting. John Lock, KFØM, will present the program for our October meeting.

John was first licensed in 1974 as a Novice, WN5MHY. He upgraded to Technician class, followed shortly by Advanced class in 1976 with the call sign WB5WOQ. He earned his Amateur Extra class license in the early 1980s and changed his call sign to KFØM.

He was initially involved in HF contesting, especially on 10 meters. He got involved in 2 meter SSB in the early ’80s to talk to friends in Arkansas.

The VHF/UHF Century Club (VUCC) got him seriously interested and he achieved VUCC number 9, on 144 mHz which then spurred an interest in EME. He achieved WAS on 144 mHz a few years later, and was within the first 100 hams to accomplish that goal. He also achieved WAC on 144 in that same time frame. In the 1990s, looking for a new challenge and learning opportunity, John got involved in repeater maintenance. This lead to the development of the Kan-Okla system of linked repeaters.

Most recently John has been trying to be more active in weak signal VHF-UHF on 50 mHz and 1.2 gHz.

Minutes: August 29, 2017

President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the meeting to order at 1852.

Minutes of the June 27 meeting and the treasurer’s report were approved as printed and e-mailed, upon a motion by Joseph Pajor, and second by Dale Puckett. Attendance: 11 members and 3 guests.

President Childress asked members to check our web site, QCWA79.com and to support webmaster Bryon Cannon with photographs and other content to post on the site.  Bryon’s e-mail address is qcwa79@gmail.com

Old business:  None

New Business: President Childress announced that nominations for officers for 2018 will be taken at the October meeting.  Nominations for all offices in QCWA Chapter 79 will be accepted.  You may nominate yourself.  If you nominate someone else, please be sure that person will accept the office if elected.  Election of officers will be at the December meeting.

President Childress introduced James Whitfield, N5GUI, who presented an interesting program.  James likes to experiment and tinker, and doing talks and demonstrations.  He enjoys digital modes of ham radio.  He told about his radio equipment and about his newest project, learning about and using a Raspberry Pi computer. The Raspberry Pi is a tiny, versatile, powerful, and low-cost computer.  It was developed in the United Kingdom and was originally used to teach computer science. Millions of hobbyists are enjoying this nifty little computer.

Meeting was adjourned at 2005.  Next meeting is October 24.

Submitted by Larry Cannon, Secretary

Preview: August 29, 2017, meeting

Our August meeting is rapidly approaching, and our president, Harold, WBØLFH, has lined up a program by James Whitfield, N5GUI. Harold thinks that he will talk about his Raspberry Pi and its use for digital modes.

James has been licensed for 39 years but got his start with amateur radio more than two decades earlier assisting his blind brother, W5BIY (SK, license re-issued). The early experience led to an interest in building equipment and antennas more than operating to make contacts. He enjoys public demonstrations of light communication technology and digital modes of amateur radio, especially with Boy Scouts at Jamboree-on-the-Air.

James is a retired aerospace engineer and USAF officer. He is a member of the Wichita Amateur Radio Club and the current secretary of the Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society.

Minutes: June 27, 2017

President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the meeting to order at 1845.

The minutes of the April 25th meeting and treasurer’s report were approved as printed and e-mailed.

Chapter 79 Webmaster Bryon Cannon, KAØIIU, reported that the chapter website is live. The URL is QCWA79.com. Content is needed. Submit content to Bryon.

Old Business: The office of Vice President still needs to be filled.
New business: Don Sharp, KDØQFR, joined Chapter 79. Welcome, Don.
Attendance: 9.


Joseph T. Pajor, KBØKFH, presented a very interesting program about the total solar eclipse that will happen on August 21, 2017. The eclipse, which will travel from west to east across will be seen in totality in many locations across the United States. Joe will be in Atchison, KS, which is in the path of totality, and plans to operate using the call sign KØS, from the Benedictine College press box.

People in areas not in the zone of total eclipse will be able to see a partial solar eclipse. He said that a lot of the scientific studies will take place during the eclipse across the country and the world.

The program was followed by a time of visiting about Field Day operations that took place the previous weekend.

Meeting adjourned at 1955.

Submitted by Larry Cannon, Secretary

Minutes: April 25, 2017

President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the meeting to order at 1901.

Everyone introduced themselves. Joseph T. Pajor, KBØKFH, a new QCWA member, joined Chapter 79 during the meeting and was welcomed into our chapter. Attendance was 11.

The minutes of the February 28th meeting and treasurer’s report were approved as printed and e-mailed.

Chapter 79 Webmaster Bryon Cannon, KAØIIU, reported that the chapter website is live. The URL is QCWA79.com. Content is needed. Submit content to Bryon.

Old Business:

The office of Vice President still needs to be filled by a volunteer.

Continued discussion of ways to increase membership and attendance of our chapter. As a way to increase membership, a motion was made by Lloyd McCombs, that our chapter to pay for one meal for a prospective member of Chapter 79, who meets QCWA requirements. Motion passed. QCWA qualifications: First licensed as amateur radio operator 25 or more years ago; currently holds a valid amateur radio license; current member of QCWA national organization.

Lloyd McCombs asked if there was interest in starting a Chapter 79 net. Discussion included making the net interesting; deciding on dates and time; location (repeater or Echo Link); need at least three net control operators so a NCS would always be available. It was decided to continue this discussion later.

New Business:

Harold asked if someone would find a program for the June meeting. Joseph Pajor volunteered to present the program.

Meeting was adjourned at 1947.

Submitted by Larry Cannon, Secretary