Minutes: September 27, 2022

QCWA chapter 79 had a virtual meeting at 7 PM Tuesday, Sept 27. Present were Joe, Dave, Richard, Larry, Lloyd and Chuck.

The members approved the minutes and secretary’s report.

Discussed Wichita Hamfest, manning of the table. Was going to send email for volunteers while Joe had to go do testing. Have brochures for table, and applications. (NOTE: Four new members signed up at the hamfest!)

Discussed a Saturday face-to-face meeting for all club members in Wichita area. Discussed meeting place and time. Time placed at 2 PM as most convenient for both the people and restaurants, place still being discussed, with strong inclination toward Spears.

Meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM.

R/S Richard Johnson, KØRCJ Sec.

Online meeting tonight

The Kansas Sunflower Chapter #79 of the QCWA will hold a virtual meeting tonight, Tuesday, September 27, at 7:00 PM CDT. The meeting will be held via Google Meets and the meeting link is: https://meet.google.com/wyy-ubro-qfx.

We will have some social time and we will be discussing plans for a Chapter #79 table at the Wichita Area Hamfest on Saturday, October 1, 2022, at the Riverwalk Church of Christ, 225 N. Waco, Wichita, Kansas. More information at: https://www.vcarc.org/hamfest-info/.

If you have any questions on the meeting, please contact Joe Pajor, KBØKFH, Chapter #79 President at JTPajor@aol.com or 316-734-1085 (cell).

Minutes: April 26, 2022

Minutes of Virtual meeting of April 26, 2022
Meeting began at 7 PM Central time.
Hosted by Joe Pajor, President KBØKFH
In attendance: KØRCJ Richard Johnson, Secretary
NØKAT David Foster, Treasurer
KØSFV, Larry Cannon, Past Sec/Treas
KAØIIU, Bryon Cannon, Webmaster, agreed to continue.
NE8S, Gar “Doc” Ko
KØBOG, Chuck Skolaut
KC5FM Lloyd Colston
Treasurer’s Report: $1121.63
Discussion: Transition of Power from past Officers to present Officers
Resolution: Eyeball meeting at Village Inn in Hutchinson, Ks., for handing over of archival info and related items.
Discussion: Handling of monies. Transition from Hutchinson to Derby for new Treasurer. Unresolved for now, ideas on table for consideration
Discussion: Ham Club Online. For use by all members. Can be used for reports, files, member info that a member wishes to have published, mailing list, etc. Approved for use.
Discussion: Archiving old records from QCWA Headquarters, to include but not limited to records from the beginning of Sunflower Chapter 79. To be remanded to Secretary for safe keeping, and to be made available whenever needed/requested.
KC5FM, Lloyd, discussed a bus trip to Hamvention in Ohio. Still in planning.
Next virtual meeting planned for May, date and time to be announced. All meetings are open to all for attendance.
Meeting adjourned at 7:58 PM by Joe Pajor with no objections.

No meetings for now

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, QCWA Sunflower Chapter 79 is suspending its meetings until further notice.

If you’re a member, watch your e-mail for word of when meetings will start again. Everyone else who may be interested in QCWA, watch this space for that notice.

Everyone stay home and stay safe. We hope to see you when this is all over.

Preview: February 25, 2020

The first QCWA Chapter 79 meeting of 2020 will be at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 25, at our usual place, Spear’s Restaurant, 4323 West Maple St., Wichita.

We will not have a program.

We will have an all-member forum to discuss the future of the chapter, its leadership, what members want in future activities and meetings, and how to improve both our membership rolls and meeting attendance.

We are hoping that we can elect three people to assume leadership positions in our chapter at this meeting. We need all three officer positions: president, vice president, and secretary-treasurer.

Will you please nominate yourself to help our chapter? You can nominate someone else who is willing to serve if elected.

All members are encouraged to attend this very important meeting and bring their thoughts and ideas on how to keep our chapter alive.

Minutes: December 17, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 1845 by Larry Cannon, KØSFV, secretary.

Joe Pajor, KBØKFH, introduced our guest speaker, Tony Haidai, NØXXU. Tony is a retired master sergeant in the Kansas Air National Guard/U.S. Air Force with 26 years of total service. He was employed in flight simulation at the Flight Safety Lear Jet Learning Center at KICT for 16 years retiring in 2016. Currently he is an adjunct instructor at Butler County Community College. Tony has been in amateur astronomy since 1968, and has been in the Kansas Astronomical Observers as vice president, treasurer and secretary since 2000. He has held amateur radio Technician-class license NØXXU since 1987. Tony gave a very interesting PowerPoint presentation that included a lot of photos taken by amateur astronomers of the moon, nebulas, and galaxies. He talked about radio astronomy, a subfield of astronomy.

Following the program, no business was conducted due to not having a quorum present.

Meeting adjourned at 1940.

Preview: December 17, 2019

Please note: We will be meeting one week earlier than usual, due to the Christmas holiday.

Joe Pajor, KBØKFH, has lined up another great program for us for our last meeting of the year. It will be of general interest in connection with the Christmas season.

We need to elect officers for 2020 since we didn’t have time to do that at the October meeting. All offices are open for nominations: President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer.

We hope to see you there. As always, you are welcome to bring your spouse or another friend.

Minutes: October 29, 2019

President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the meeting to order at 1900.

Joe Pajor, KBØKFH, introduced Jim Stafford, AJ5BS, who presented Part 2 of “My Submarine Career.”

He served aboard USS Seawolf (SSN 575) from 1972 to 1975. His talk included information about the nuclear reactors on board submarines and other general information about serving on submarines.

He answered questions from the audience, and his program concluded at 2025.

We didn’t have a business meeting after the program since the restaurant was closing. Election of officers will be at the December meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 2030.