50th Anniversary Meeting

The Kansas Sunflower Chapter of the Quarter Century Wireless Association will meet to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of our chapter at 1 p.m. Saturday, November 16, in the front meeting room of Walt’s East at 7732 East Central Avenue, Wichita.

Please email your RSVP to Chapter President Joe Pajor at JTPajor@aol.com.

We hope you can join us as we reflect on the last 50 years and make plans for the future.

September meeting scheduled

Plan to spend part of the last day of astronomical summer with you friends from QCWA.

Our Kansas Sunflower Chapter #79 will have our next eyeball meeting at 1 p.m. Saturday, September 21, at Walt’s Eastside, 7732 East Central Avenue, Wichita, in the front meeting room.

We will have an update on the Little River School Amateur Radio Club and news of a new club being formed at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas.

We hope to see YOU there.

July meeting scheduled

The Kansas Sunflower Chapter #79 of QCWA will meet at 1 p.m., Saturday, July 20, in the front meeting room of Walt’s East Wichita, 7732 E. Central Ave., Ste. 110, Wichita.

At this meeting, we will discuss how we want to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of our chapter. We will also enjoy fine food and fellowship.

If you are unable to attend but want to provide your input as to how we should celebrate our 50 years as a chapter, email Chapter President Joe Pajor, KBØKFH, at JTPajor@aol.com, or give him a call at 316-734-1085. If your call goes straight to voice mail (i.e., you are not in his contacts), just leave a message and he will get back to you.

We sure hope to see you on July 20th. 73.

May meeting scheduled

The Kansas Sunflower QCWA Chapter will hold an eyeball meeting to visit and discuss anything amateur radio related. We will meet at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 18, at Walt’s East Side, 7732 E Central Ave, Ste. 110, Wichita.

Feel free to bring guests.

We are in need of a program. If you can provide one, please contact Chapter President Joe Pajor at JTPajor@aol.com.

We hope to see you there.

Minutes: November 18, 2023

The November 18 meeting was called to order by President Joe Pajor at 13:03. It was held at Walt’s Wichita East at 7732 East Central Avenue. Ten members and three guests attended.

• Presentation from Dan Spears regarding a STEM school and station at his school in Little River.
* Students will be in high school but will be inviting from the grade school near there.
* Planning on an HF rig and a dual band with x-band and DMR, etc.
* Looking at doing RasPi Hotspot, etc.
* Students will be building kits, antennas, etc.
* Students will be getting their licenses during the semester.
* An ARRL grant has been applied for.
* Joe will be sending out info on this via HamClubOnline.
• Lloyd moved that the chapter provide $100 seed money to help start his program.
* Seconded by NØPME.
* Who will manage the funds if they’re provided – ultimate recipient?
* Amended to require they wait until the ARRL grant status is complete.
* Without objection, the motion is tabled until the next meeting.

• QCWA Net may need a new NCS.
* Darryl will be offline at least until the first of the year.
* Lloyd “doesn’t mind” calling the net in Darryl’s absence.
* Lloyd suggests we pause the net until Darryl is available to come back on, or we
may move the net, or more people step up to be NCS.
* An announcement will come out on this topic via HamClubOnline – per Joe.

• NØPME (Joseph Fehrenbacher) asked about a “talk-in” to the QCWA meetings.
* To be tried for the next meeting on 442.375.
* Randy Reynard (WØRDR) will monitor along with Joseph.
• Next meeting discussion
* Date: Jan 20th, 1300
* Site
* The same site is acceptable (Walt’s Wichita East). The entrance to the restaurant is on the north (back) side of the building. Reservation is under “Radio Group.” Our group discussion subject will be about the amateur radio New Year’s resolutions you have made. What do you want to accomplish in the hobby in 2024? What new-to-you activity will you try out? There are always new things to do in the hobby.

• Meeting adjourned at 14:40 by Joe Pajor.

New meeting location (updated)

Our chapter meeting for Saturday, November 18 has a new location. We will meet at Walt’s Wichita East at 7732 East Central Avenue, Wichita. The entrance to Walt’s is on the north side (i.e., around back) of the building at this street address. If you get lost, call Joe Pajor at 316-734-1085 (as he will most likely also be lost).

We will be meeting in the meeting room on the north side of the restaurant. As soon as you enter the main door, turn left, proceed three feet and the entrance to our meeting room is on your left. We will order from the menu as usual and they have a nice bar if you are so inclined. (Our president is always eager to talk with a couple of drinks in him and you.)

We also have a new start time of 1:00 p.m.

We will have a special guest coming. Dan Spears, KFØKRY, who is the music director for Little River/Windom schools (USD 444) will join us to tell us about an amateur radio class and club that he is starting at his school. He is looking for support for this initiative that has been approved by his building principal and his local school board.

We also need to discuss our weekly Saturday morning net on the Sunflower Network. Our regular net control station operator is going to be unavailable until sometime after the first of the year due to a medical procedure.

Come and join the fun. If you want to see the menu, you can find it at: https://www.waltseast.com/#.

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks and 73.

Joe Pajor, KBØKFH
Kansas Sunflower Chapter #79 President

Minutes: September 30, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Joe Pajor (president) at 14:10. Six members and three guests were present.

Finance Report
The finance report was presented By David (NØKAT)
• Balances:
▪ Beginning balance $1,223.63
▪ Income: $40.00
▪ Dues: $20.00
▪ Donation: $1.00
▪ Expense: $40.00 (national dues)
▪ Ending Balance: $1,244.63
▪ No finance activity, balance $1,244.63
• Accepted by acclamation.
• Dues were collected from Joe Pajor (KBØKFH), Lloyd Colston (KC5FM) and JB Scott (KDØCSL)
• Annual Dues Schedule
◦ A motion was made and seconded to have dues payable on the member’s anniversary date. Ham Club Online supports this. Dues will be good for 12 months.
◦ Motion passed unanimously.
• Future meeting place
◦ Lloyd suggested Pizza Ranch (21st & Tyler), and will check on 2 or 3 places.
◦ Rationale for the move is the treatment received by the members from the “guy in the white apron.”
◦ We’ll try other meeting locations
• Next meeting discussion – to avoid Thanksgiving
◦ Motion made to meet on 11/18 at 1300
◦ Place TBD
• Minutes were read by Randy Reynard
◦ Approved by acclamation.
◦ E-mail minutes to bryoncannon@gmail.com for posting on the QCWA website.
◦ A suggestion made to send minutes to all members via e-mail through Ham Club Online
• QCWA Hamfest table schedule was sent around. Joe will publish the final version of the schedule
◦ Note:
▪ Hamfest starts at 8AM
▪ VE Testing at 9AM
▪ Kansas Section Meeting 10AM
• A presentation on the Sunflower Net was made by KC5FM. It detailed the purpose and access methods for the net, which is held every Saturday morning at 0900.

Meeting adjourned at 15:15 by Joe Pajor.

September meeting set

Our next face-to-face meeting will be at 2 p.m., Saturday, September 30, at Spear’s Restaurant and Pie Shop, 4323 W. Maple St., Wichita. Please mark your calendar now.

In addition to good food and great fellowship, we will have an informal presentation from our very own Lloyd Colston, KC5FM. Lloyd will tell us about the Sunflower Net. Come learn what it is and how hams in Kansas and beyond can use its capabilities. We hope to see YOU there. 73.

July meeting set

The next face-to-face meeting of the Kansas Sunflower Chapter 79 QCWA will be at 2 p.m., Saturday, July 29, at Spear’s Restaurant & Pie Shop, 4323 W. Maple St., Wichita.

We will catch up with each other and discuss whatever comes up. Let us know what you did for Field Day and your plans for the remains of the summer. See you there!

In-person meeting scheduled

Kansas Sunflower Chapter #79 will have an in-person meeting at 2 p.m. Saturday, January 28, at Spear’s Restaurant and Pie Shop, 4323 West Maple St., Wichita, KS.

NOTE: Not the 21st as originally scheduled. The Chiefs had failed to tell us they are in a playoff game that day, so we’ve had to make a change.

We hope you will be able to join us. When you arrive, ask for the “Radio Guys” for our group.

Remember, we also have our Saturday morning digital net at 9:00 a.m. For access information see: http://sunflowernet.us/.