President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the meeting to order at 1901.
Everyone introduced themselves. Joseph T. Pajor, KBØKFH, a new QCWA member, joined Chapter 79 during the meeting and was welcomed into our chapter. Attendance was 11.
The minutes of the February 28th meeting and treasurer’s report were approved as printed and e-mailed.
Chapter 79 Webmaster Bryon Cannon, KAØIIU, reported that the chapter website is live. The URL is Content is needed. Submit content to Bryon.
Old Business:
The office of Vice President still needs to be filled by a volunteer.
Continued discussion of ways to increase membership and attendance of our chapter. As a way to increase membership, a motion was made by Lloyd McCombs, that our chapter to pay for one meal for a prospective member of Chapter 79, who meets QCWA requirements. Motion passed. QCWA qualifications: First licensed as amateur radio operator 25 or more years ago; currently holds a valid amateur radio license; current member of QCWA national organization.
Lloyd McCombs asked if there was interest in starting a Chapter 79 net. Discussion included making the net interesting; deciding on dates and time; location (repeater or Echo Link); need at least three net control operators so a NCS would always be available. It was decided to continue this discussion later.
New Business:
Harold asked if someone would find a program for the June meeting. Joseph Pajor volunteered to present the program.
Meeting was adjourned at 1947.
Submitted by Larry Cannon, Secretary