President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the meeting to order at 1845.
Joseph T. Pajor, KBØKFH, introduced Scott Knebel, planning manager at the Wichita-Sedgwick County Metropolitan Area Planning Department.
Scott presented an interesting program titled “Presentation on Wireless Master Plan.” He told us that most cell phone cell sites in residential areas are located on city rights of way. Cities can’t require a cell site to be justified and that a lot of them are built by companies who sell tower space to various cell phone providers. Sites can use galvanized steel towers or poles to support antennas.
The minutes of the June 25th meeting and treasurer’s report were approved as printed and e-mailed. Motion by Jerry Kahn, ACØRL, second by Joe Pajor.
President Childress said that we need nominees for all chapter offices, President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer, for election at the October meeting.
There was a discussion about our chapter having a table at the Hutchinson and Wichita hamfests. Bryon Cannon, KAØIIU, will check the national QCWA web site to see what is available in the way of handout pamphlets, etc.
Meeting was adjourned at 1958.