President Harold Childress, WBØLFH, called the meeting to order at 1907.
The minutes of the December 19, 2017, meeting and treasurer’s report were approved as printed and e-mailed.
New business: Discussion about sending a memorial in memory of Sharon Minor, KDØXW, and about raising the amount of memorial contributions our chapter sends to the QCWA Scholarship Fund. We have been sending $20.00 for many years. Bryon Cannon moved that we increase the amount to $30.00. There was a consensus to send a memorial and to raise the amount to $30.00. Motion passed. In memory of Sharon, XYL of John Minor, WDØEDK, we will send $30.00 to QCWA Scholarship Fund.
President Childress asked us to think about a way we could estimate how many people would be at our dinner meetings, so as a courtesy, we could let Spear’s know a week ahead of the meeting how many to set up for.
Old business: President Childress asked for a list of Chapter 79 members and a list of former members.
Business meeting adjourned at 1918.
Program: Shaun Halstead, KØPER, presented an interesting program about the history of amateur radio licensing. He told about new changes to radio application forms that the FCC announced August 7, 2017, that includes adding a felony question, effective September 7, 2017.
Our next meeting will be April 24, 2018.